PostgreSQL Shortcut Commands  

PostgreSQL provides a powerful command-line tool called `psql` to manage and interact with your databases. This page outlines essential `psql` shortcut commands to help you efficiently manage databases, roles, schemas, and objects. 

General Shortcuts 

Command  Description 
\?  Lists all `psql` commands and their descriptions. 
\q  Exits the `psql` client. 
\c [dbname]  Connects to a specific database. 
\conninfo  Displays connection details of the current session. 
\encoding  Shows or sets the client character encoding. 
\! [command]  Executes a shell command. 
\pwd  Displays the current working directory. 

Database Management 

Command  Description 
\l  Lists all databases. 
\l+  Lists all databases with additional details (size, owner, etc.). 
\g  Executes the previous SQL command. 
\i [file]  Executes SQL commands from a file. 
\watch [interval]  Re-runs the last query at specified intervals (seconds). 

Schemas and Objects 

Command  Description 
\dn  Lists all schemas in the current database. 
\dn+  Lists schemas with additional details. 
\dt  Lists all tables in the current schema. 
\dt+  Lists tables with additional details (e.g., size, storage). 
\dv  Lists all views in the current schema. 
\dv+  Lists views with additional details. 
\ds  Lists all sequences in the current schema. 
\ds+  Lists sequences with additional details. 
\df  Lists all functions in the current schema. 
\df+  Lists functions with argument and return type details. 
\db  Lists all tablespaces in the database cluster. 
\db+  Lists tablespaces with more details. 

Object Descriptions 

Command  Description 
\d [object]  Describes a specific object (table, view, etc.). 
\d+ [object]  Provides detailed information about an object. 
\d  General object listing in the current schema. 
\z  Lists access privileges for all objects. 
\dp  Lists access privileges for tables, views, and sequences. 

Role and User Management 

Command  Description 
\du  Lists all roles (users) in the database cluster. 
\du+  Lists roles with additional details. 

Query Output 

Command  Description 
\x  Toggles expanded output mode (vertical format). 
\o [file]  Redirects query output to a file. 
\o  Resets output redirection to display in the terminal. 
\t  Toggles display of table headings and row counts. 
\a  Toggles between aligned and unaligned output. 
\pset  Sets output formatting options (e.g., border, null values). 
\timing  Toggles query execution time display. 


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