Pre Installation Tasks:

1. Create Tablespace for Apex Data and Files.
SQL> create tablespace apex datafile ‘//apexd01.dbf’ size 500m;
Tablespace created.

2. Ensure Shared pool size is atleast 100m (suggested 250m)

3. Download the Apex Installation Software from the below Link and move the software to server
Oracle Application Express 4.0.2 – English language only
4. Unzip the apex Installation software and change directory into extracted folder

Installation Tasks:
1. Login as sysdba: sqlplus ‘/as sysdba’
2. Installation Command: @apexins.sql apex apex temp /i/
3. Admin Username Password Change:
SQL> @apxchpwd
Enter a value below for the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
Enter a password for the ADMIN user []Session altered.
…changing password for ADMIN
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.

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