
This function calls a PL/SQL on-demand process defined on page or application level.

It’s a wrapper of the jQuery.ajax function and supports all the setting the jQuery function provides but provides additional Application Express features.

Apex.server.process is a feature available in  Oracle APEX4.2 and above. This is an Asynchronous Process.

Format:apex.server.process( pAjaxIdentifier, pData, pOptions )

pAjaxIdentifier  : Required

Use the value returned by PL/SQL package apex_plugin.get_ajax_identifier to identify your plug-in.

pData  : Optional

you can set the scalar parameters x01 – x10 and the arrays f01 – f20).

options : Optional

Object which can optionally be used to set additional options used by the AJAX


Create On-demand process(Application Process).


Create Dynamic Actions using Execute Javascript code.


Call the On-demand process in apex.server.process with parameters.

{dataType: “text”,
Success: function(pData){alert(pData)

Application Name – t1

Scalar Parameter- x01:p_item_value
Application process return value will be assigned to pData.
pData is assigned to tabular form column value(“f03_”+new1).



Change the values in tabular form, and the next field will get displayed as dynamically.

Step:4 :  Output:


This function calls a PL/SQL on-demand (Ajax callback) process defined on page or application level. This function is a wrapper of the jQuery.ajax function that supports a subset of the jQuery.ajax options plus additional Application Express specific options.


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