Installation and Configuration of Oracle Application Express with Oracle REST Data Services and Apache Tomcat

Installed Softwares (requirement may vary)

  1. Oracle Application Express 5.1.4
  2. Apache Tomcat 7.0.96
  3. Oracle Rest Data Service ORDS 18.1.1


Installation Steps

PART 1: Installing Oracle APEX


PART 3: Installing ORDS

Download Oracle APEX

You can download Oracle APEX at:

The download software is located on my local machine

Click on next

Click on finish

Go to the software location:

PART 1: Installing Oracle APEX

  1. unzip apex_5.1.4\ \(1\).zipunder /home/oracle location
  2. Login into the database as SYSDBA

Create Tablespace in database for storing Apex data

CREATETABLESPACE APEX DATAFILE ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb/apex01.dbf’ SIZE 1G AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M;

3.   Execute the installation script

SQL> @apexins apex apex temp /i/

  1. Set password for ADMIN user

SQL> @apxchpwd.sql

  1. Configure database RESTful services – the passwords for the new created users APEX_LISTENER and APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER will be used later for the ORDS setup

SQL> @apex_rest_config.sql

  1. APEX_LISTENER– The account used to query RESTful Services definitions stored in Oracle Application Express.
  2. APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER– The account used when calling RESTful Services definitions stored in Oracle Application Express.
  3. Set password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and unlock the account:



7.  Enable Network Services

To Allow other hosts than the localhost to use the Oracle Application Express installation

By default, Network Services are disable in Oracle 11g or the newer version. Therefore, you must use the package of DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN in order to to grant connect privileges to any host for the APEX_050100 database user


Run the below command to grant connect privileges to any host for the APEX_050100 database user.


Grant connect for APEX_050100 user (If database is Oracle 12c):

Procedures CREATE_ACL, ASSIGN_ACL, ADD_PRIVILEGE and CHECK_PRIVILEGE in DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN are deprecated in Oracle Database 12c. Oracle recommends using APPEND_HOST_ACE instead.



You can download APACHE TOMCAT at:

Under Quick Navigation click on 7.0.96

Under Core: click on tar.gz extension to download the file.


  1. Create directory

2. Go to directory and extract software from/home/oracle location

tar -xvf jdk-13.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

tar -xvf apache-tomcat-7.0.96.tar.gz

Two new directories for Apache Tomcat and JDK are created:

3. Create an environment file tosimplify the management with the Apache Tomcat application server,

[oracle@emtest~]$ vi tomtest.env

4. Startup Tomcat

You can now access the console of tomcat using


5. Shutdown Tomcat

6. To enable access to manager app and manager app gui. Add below to lines to file tomcat-users.xml

Oracle REST Data Services

Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)  is a data service which is used to replace  Oracle HTTP server and mod_plsql. It bases on Java EE that provides RESTful service and increases security capability. it can deploy on  WebLogic, Tomcat, Glassfish  or independently.

Interaction between Oracle and Oracle APEX ORDS

You can Install Oracle APEX on a specific web server such as WebLogic, Tomcat or Glassfish, …

To use RESTful services, you need to install  Oracle ORDS which can deploy on  WebLogic Server, Tomcat, Glassfish,.. or independently. Oracle ORDS can read directly to Oracle APEX and replace completely  Oracle HTTP Server, therefore you can use  RESTful on APEX and new URL to work with  Oracle APEX.

Download Oracle ORDS

You can download Oracle ORDS at:

PART 3: Installing ORDS


  1. Create ORDS installation directory
[oracle@emtest~]$ mkdir ords

2. Extract The ords software under /home/oracle/ordslocation

To check the extracted directories and files

3. mkdir /home/oracle/ords/conf


4. Edit the database configuration template to set hostname and database service name


5. Set Oracle REST Database Service ORDS configuration directory

You will be asked for a new password for the database user ORDS_PUBLIC_USER (user will be created by this script)

The values for database server, hostname and the service name are taken from the configuration file

You can see the encrypted passwords and the selected tablespaces in the configuration file

6. Optimize the database connection settings – add these lines to the apex.xml configuration file

7. Prepare the application server directory for the Oracle Application Express images

8. Copy the ORDS application ords.war to the Apache Tomcat:

9. Startup the application server

10. Login into  Oracle Application Express – add /ords at the end of the application server URLhttp://168.1.67:8080/ords




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