Please find the steps to export and import AWR stats.
Exporting AWR snapshot data:-

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrextr.sql
This script will extract the AWR data for a range of snapshots
into a dump file. The script will prompt users for the following information:
 (1) database id
 (2) snapshot range to extract
 (3) name of directory object
 (4) name of dump file
Importing AWR snapshot Data from dmp files:-
This script will load the AWR data from a dump file. The script will prompt users for the following information:
 (1) name of directory object
 (2) name of dump file
 (3) staging schema name to load AWR data into AWR_STAGE
While specifying the dumpfile name we need to only provide the file name without the .dmp extension
Specify the Name of the Dump File to Load

Please specify the prefix of the dump file (.dmp) to load:

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