Tables Involved in P2P
select *
from mtl_system_items_b msib
where msib.segment1=’TEST’;
select *
from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
where inventory_item_id=111111;
select *
from mtl_onhand_quantities –view
where inventory_item_id=111111;
select *
from po_requisition_headers_all prha
where segment1=’2222222′;
select *
from po_requisition_lines_all prla
where prla.REQUISITION_HEADER_ID=3333333;
select *
from po_req_distributions_all prda
where prda.REQUISITION_LINE_ID=444444;
select *
from gl_code_combinations gcc
where code_combination_id=2223;
select *
from ap_suppliers
where segment1=’11132′;
select *
from ap_supplier_sites_all
where vendor_id=231232;
select *
from ap_supplier_contacts
where vendor_site_id=321123;
–TCA tables
select *
from hz_parties
where party_name=’Test’;
select *
from hz_party_sites
where party_id=8100017;
select *
from po_headers_all
where segment1=’110422393′;
select *
from po_lines_all
where po_header_id=6057836;
select *
from po_line_locations_all
where po_line_id=6383221;
select *
from po_distributions_all
where line_location_id=6563044;
select *
from rcv_shipment_headers
where receipt_num=’29193′;
select *
from rcv_shipment_lines
where shipment_header_id=11487976;
select *
from rcv_transactions
where shipment_header_id=11487976;
–Invoices (AP)
select *
from ap_invoices_all
where invoice_num=’TITAN_BEL_1′;
select *
from ap_invoice_lines_all
where invoice_id=14320694;
select aida.ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID, aida.*
from ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
where invoice_id=14320694;
select *
from xla_events
where event_id=46887546;
select *
from xla_ae_headers
where event_id=46887546;
select *
from xla_ae_lines
where ae_header_id=23181809;
select *
from gl_interface
where reference26=46887546;
select *
from gl_je_batches
where name like =’Payables A 202071787237676;
select *
from gl_je_headers
where je_batch_id=14085651;
select *
from gl_je_lines
where je_header_id=24716350;
select *
from gl_balances
where ledger_id=2022
and code_combination_id in (5101,2007)
and period_name=’Aug-16′
and trunc(last_update_date)=trunc(sysdate);
select aipa.accounting_event_id, aipa.*
from ap_invoice_payments_all aipa
where invoice_id=’14320694′;
select *
from ap_payment_schedules_all
where invoice_id=’14320694′;
select *
from ap_checks_all
where check_id=4057921;
–Accounting (payment)
select *
from xla_events
where event_id=46887547;
select *
from xla_ae_headers
where event_id=46887547;
select *
from xla_ae_lines
where ae_header_id=23181810;
select *
from gl_interface
where reference26=46887547;
select *
from gl_je_batches
where name=’Payables A 10207530 81074076′;
select *
from gl_je_headers
where je_batch_id=14085653;
select *
from gl_je_lines
where je_header_id=24716352;
select *
from gl_balances
where 1=1
–and ledger_id=2022
–and code_combination_id in (5101,2007, 38911)
and last_updated_by=97983
–and period_name=’Aug-16′
and trunc(last_update_date)=trunc(sysdate);