set pages 1000 lines 1000
col column_name for a40
col index_name for a45
col column_expression for a40
set lines 120 pages 50000
select c.index_name,
c.column_name “COLUMN_NAME”, c.column_position,
from dba_ind_columns c,
dba_ind_expressions a
where c.table_owner=upper(‘&SCHEMA’)
and c.table_name=upper(‘&table_name’)
and a.index_name(+) = c.index_name
and a.table_owner(+) = c.table_owner
and a.index_owner(+) = c.index_owner
and a.table_name(+) = c.table_name
and a.column_position(+) = c.column_position
order by 1,3
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