1. Overview

This document explains how to integrate React native with SQLite DB.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies and tools have been used to create a sample react application and integrating with it SQLite.


  • React Native
  • JavaScript
  • Node JS
  • SQLite


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Android Studio

3. Use Case

Assume that there is a requirement to maintain user data within the mobile application.

4. Architecture 

After completing react native environment setup please follow the below steps.

  1. To create a sample project in react native, Execute the command in cmd prompt or visual studio terminal – npx react-native init <project name>
  2. Now the project will be created. To run the project first get into your project folder and execute the command – npx react-native run-android
  3. It will open in the virtual device and you can check it.
  4. To install SQLite – npm install react-native-sqlite-storage –save
  5. To import SQLite in your programimport { openDatabase } from ‘react-native-sqlite-storage’;
  6. To open DatabaseopenDatabase({ name: ‘user_db.db’, createFromLocation : 1})
  7. To make some database call you can use db variable to execute the below database query



txn.executeSql( query, //Query to execute as prepared statement argsToBePassed[], //Argument to pass for the prepared statement function(tx, res) {} //Callback function to handle the result response ); });


Project Code – reactsqlite


Home Screen


View All User


View User

Update User

Register User

User deleted Successfully

User Updated Successfully

Hope this document helps how to integrate React native with SQLite DB!!!

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