1. Overview

This document explains how to call/invoke manually interactive grid process .

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to validate IG columns.

  • Oracle Apex

3. Use Case

Assume that there is a requirement to maintain user data within the mobile application.


4. Architecture 

Create an Interactive grid on the oracle apex page as below and follow the below steps


Select * from emp;


1.Then create a static ID for Interactive grid

Advanced -> static ID : EMP_IG

Appearance -> Template : Standard


2.Create Add button in the Interactive grid to add a record

Button Name: ADD

Label: Add

Button position: Copy

Behavior -> Action : Submit Page


3.Create Edit button in Interactive grid to modify the record

Button Name: EDIT

Label: Edit

Button position: Copy

Behavior -> Action : Submit Page


4.Create Save button in Interactive grid to add rows

Button Name: SAVE

Label: Save

Button position: Copy

Behavior -> Action : Submit Page


5.Create Delete button in Interactive grid to add rows

Button Name: DELETE

Label: Delete

Button position: Copy

Behavior -> Action : Submit Page


6.Create dynamic action for Add button

Action : Execute JavaScript Code

Code : Add below code

apex.region( “EMP_IG” ).widget().interactiveGrid( “getActions” ).invoke( “selection-add-row” );


7.Create dynamic action for Edit Button

Action: Execute JavaScript Code

Code: Add below code


apex.region( “EMP_IG” ).widget().interactiveGrid( “getActions” ).set(“edit”, true);


8.Create dynamic action for Save Button

Action: Execute JavaScript Code

Code: Add below code


apex.region( “EMP_IG” ).widget().interactiveGrid( “getActions” ).invoke( “save” );


9.Create dynamic action for Delete Button

Action: Execute JavaScript Code

Code: Add below code


apex.region( “EMP_IG” ).widget().interactiveGrid( “getActions” ).invoke( “selection-delete” );




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