
This document explains how to give a customized Datepicker validation’s using Jquery in Oracle APEX.

Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies has been used to achieve the fancy checkbox in oracle apex.

  • Oracle Apex
  • Jquery

Use Case

Any requirement for customized Datepicker validation’s, we can use this following steps. By default, the Oracle Apex allows creating a simple DatePicker and Textfield in the HTML region. But it can be modified to any other symbol.

Steps with Screenshot

Steps to be followed

Step 1: Create a region Within that create two Page items

  1. First Page Item.

Properties below


Type   : Datepicker

  1. Second Page item

Properties below

Name : P1_DATE

Type   : Hidden



Step 2: Then, Click on Page Name ‘Page 1:Home’ -> Go to right side Properties ->

Open Execute when Page Loads part -> Paste below code

Its For Maximum date validation


var minDate = apex.item(‘P1_DATE’).getValue();

$(“#P1_DATE_PICKER”).datepicker(“option”,”maxDate”,minDate).next(‘button’).addClass(‘a-Button a-Button–calendar’);



Step 3(Optional):  Its for set Minimum Date Validation’s


var minDate = apex.item(‘P1_DATE’).getValue();

$(“#P1_DATE_PICKER”).datepicker(“option”,”minDate”,minDate).next(‘button’).addClass(‘a-Button a-Button–calendar’);



Step 4: Finally, Save and Run the page.



Below screen shot shows Datepicker With Validation.

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