1. Overview
This document talks about the example of changing modal dialogue title dynamically using JavaScript.
2. Technologies and Tools Used
The following technologies have been used to achieve exporting IR data to Word format.
Ø JavaScript
3. Use Case
Assume that we have a scenario of having multiple reports on the same page(modal dialogue) and only one report will be visible based on the link given on the parent page. Now, the title for the modal dialogue needs to be changed dynamically based on the link on the parent page,
4. Architecture
The following steps explain how to set the title dynamically on page load,
Step 1: Create a hidden page item on the target page(modal dialogue page). E.g. PX_TITLE
Step 2: Create the Dynamic Action on Page load in the modal dialogue page as shown below,
Name: Set Title
Event: Page Load
Action: Execute JavaScript Code
Code :
apex.util.getTopApex().jQuery(“.ui-dialog-content”).dialog(“option”, “title”, “&PX_TITLE.”);
Step 3: Go to the page designer of the parent page to the modal dialogue.
Step 4: Navigate to the section where the configuration for modal dialogue branching is done, edit the link, and set the value to the item PX_TITLE.
Step 5: Save the changes done.