Post Clone Activities

  1. We will have an instance refresh mechanism to maintain the test instance (copy of a production environment with the latest data).
  2. Immediately after cloning, we need to make sure that it has the different color else there is a possibility of human mistake due to confusion.
  3. Along with this Color change we also need to make sure the key items like, supplier, customer , employee email addresses and the payment transmissions need to suffix or prefix with XXXXX, else there is a chance of sending the emails to the end customers.

Instance Color Changing steps

Step 1:

To change the instance color –

Go to the Navigator >>Tools/Configuration>>Sandboxes

Step 2:

Once we click on the Sand boxes, it will be showing as below

Step 3:

We need to select the Appearance check Box and click on Create Sand Box

Step 4:

Once you click on Create Sand Box – it will display the below dialog box


Step 5:

Enter the name and description and click on Create and Enter button

Step 6:

Once you click on Create and Enter button, it will display as below.

Step 7:

You need to choose appearance under tools, once you click on appearance, it will show as below

step 7

Step 8:

You have to choose the Theme

When you click on Themes drop down it will be showing the multiple themes, you need to select the right one/right color you want to indicate to Test instance.


Step 9:

Select the color/theme as required and click on apply.


Step 10:

Click Publish from the Sand Box dropdown list.


Step 11:

Once it is published, you can click on Leave sandbox, now you can see your instance color was changed.



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