Automate All IT Operations in Linux using OLAM 2.0

Introduction of OLAM 2.0(Oracle Linux Automation Manager/Engine)

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies are under pressure to deliver their IT services faster and more efficiently than ever before. To meet this challenge, many organizations are turning to automation tools to streamline their IT operations.

OLAM2.0 is one such tool that promises to make IT operations simpler, faster, and more efficient. It provides a centralized web-based UI for administering all end-end IT Infrastructure operations in securable and scalable way.

Usage of OLAM2.0 Reduces 60 % of Manual process in day-day administrative jobs, it reduces Configuration drift and increases the productivity.



 What is OLAM2.0

OLAM 2.0 automates IT operations across the entire IT stack, from infrastructure to applications.

Enables Modern Provisioning, deployment, configuration management and task automation.

It provides a centralized web-based UI with reporting and controlled IT infrastructure. With a visual dashboard, it provides workflow automation, role-based access control, job scheduling, integrated notifications, and graphical inventory management.

  • Oracle Linux Automation Manager is based on the open-source project.
  • Oracle Linux Automation Engine is based on Ansible.

OLAM included with an Oracle Linux Premier Support subscription. Oracle Linux Premier Support customers already using or evaluating AWX Ansible can run these technologies and get support at no additional cost.


Oracle Linux Automation Key Value Drivers

Hub of all Automation tasks


Features and Benefits of OLAM2.0

  • Agile IT Operations
  • Powerful, intuitive, secure web-based user interface
  • Reduces complexity and manual processes while increasing repeatability of day-to-day automation of tasks
  • Continuous Remediation
  • Create projects that import Oracle Linux Automation Engine playbooks from various sources, such as a local machine or from a remote git repository
  • Stabilizes configuration management, avoid accidental and malicious drift using playbook-based configuration as code
  • Create an inventory which specifies the hosts where playbook tasks run
  • Create job templates that specify the projects and playbooks to run
  • Manually launch or schedule the launch of job templates
  • Installation is straight forward as well, though you will need to install it on an Oracle Linux 8 server


Components of Oracle Linux Automation Manager

OLAM2.0 is comprised of three main components.

Control Plane, Automation Execution Environments and Service Mesh

Control Plane: The Control Plane for Oracle Linux Automation Manager provides the user interface, role-based access control and content management. The Control Plane defines how automation is initiated, deployed, audited, and delegated. From the Controller Plane user interface or via Restful API, users can manage inventory, schedule workflows, track changes and initiate reporting.

Execution Environments: Execution Environments simplify how automation is executed. With Execution Environments, the place from where the automation is executed is a ready built container with Oracle Linux, ansible-core, python and supporting collections and libraries, which enables a consistent and defined environment.

Service Mesh: Service Mesh provides a flexible multi-service network linking controller and execution nodes within a secure snapping back enabling the sharing of job execution.


Why choose Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Added scalability and flexibility : OLAM Release 2.0’s decentralized architecture uses a modular, container-based approach that effectively decouples the control and execution planes, with the option of multiple nodes, and the ability to have a remote database environment.

Increased security and decreased complexity : OLAM 2.0 connects to targets using an agentless approach, reducing complexity and payload, while increasing security by providing TLS certificate communication within the Service Mesh.

Simplified sharing across teams : OLAM2.0 makes it easy to share automation across teams of users, providing a single platform to create, execute, and manage infrastructure automation.



OLAM2.0 is a valuable tool for any organization looking to simplify and streamline IT operations. It offers significant benefits to organizations of all sizes.

By automating their IT operations, organizations can reduce costs, improve the reliability and availability of their IT services, and gain a competitive advantage in the process.

Upgradation is easy on existing environment.

Simple and more cost-effective solution Included with Oracle Linux premier support.

Oracle Linux Premier Support customers can run these automation technologies fully supported, at no additional cost, on Oracle Linux.



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