Oracle Data Integrator installation on windows
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a comprehensive data integration platform developed by Oracle Corporation. It enables organizations to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources into target systems, such as data warehouses, data marts, or operational data stores.
Key features of Oracle Data Integrator include:
- Data Integration:
- Data Transformation:
- Metadata Management:
- Data Quality:
- Performance Optimization:
- Integration with Oracle Ecosystem:
Overall, Oracle Data Integrator is a powerful and flexible data integration platform that simplifies the complex task of integrating data from diverse sources into target systems. It offers advanced features and capabilities to manage data integration processes efficiently, ensuring high-quality data for decision-making and analytic purposes.
- Download ODI software:-
High Level Steps:-
- Install JDK 1.8- required for ODI
2) Install Oracle 12c Database.
3) Install ODI 12c
- ODI installation
- Repository creation
- Domain creation
- Work repository setup
- Master and work repository
Download and install JDK:-
Make sure we have 12 c windows database:-
Install ODI 12c
Check JAVA version and start ODI 12 installation:-
Set java home and start the installation
set JAVA_HOME=”D:\JAVA\jdk-8u371\bin”
set path=D:\JAVA\jdk-8u371\bin;%path%
D:\ODI\NEW>java -jar D:\ODINEW\fmw_12.
Below are the installation steps for ODI:-
Step 1. Once ODI GUI open click next
Step 2- select the skip auto updates and click next
Step 3- keep the Default Oracle Home and click next:-
Step 4- Select enterprise installation and click next:-
Step 5. Un check the support notification and click next:-
Step 6. verify installation summary and click install
Step 7: make sure all checks are passed for Installation
ODI installation completed successfully.
Open ODI studio and check the version:-
Repository creation:-
Oracle Data Integrator stores information in a repository that is stored in a database schema. The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is able to create the schema and the repository in the database. RCU supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 databases and supports the installation of a Master Repository and Work Repositories into a single schema.
If you have installed database already on your system, you can simply skip this section.
Before we starting the installation of RCU, we need to choose that which database we are going to use in our application. Here I am giving how to run RCU in Oracle database on our local machine.
Go to that ODI installation directory oracle_common/bin location
Run the RCU executable file as run as admin mode
Step 1:Once GUI opened click next
Step 2:- Select the create repository:-
Step 3:- Provide required details like DB type HOST name port service name
Step 4:- Provide new prefix name as ODI and select ODI
Step 5:-Provide the password
Step 6:- Supervisor password and confirm password and select development D and work Repo name.
Step 7:- Tablespaces created automatically.
Step 8:- Summary for repo creation
Step 9:- Work repository created successfully.
Creating Web logic Server Domain for ODI Standalone Agent.
Step 1:- Run Config windows batch file with Administrator user
Go to this location D:\ODI12C\oracle_common\common\bin
Step 2:- Select create Domain option
Step 3:- Select the ODI standalone collected agent
Step 4:- Provide the web logic password
Step 5:- Select the type as development
Step 6:- Select the config using RCU data and provide the correct database connection
Connection has been completed
Step 7:- Check ODI related schema and click next
Step 8:- Select admin server and system components
Step 9:- Admin server configuration:-
Step 10:- Provide the supervisor password.
Step 11:- Assign system components and click next.
Step 12:- Domain creation created successfully.
ODI Work repository setup
Step 1:- Run ODI application in your machine
Step 2:- Create a database user
Step 3:- File->new master repository
Step 4:- Provide the correct URL for connecting database and user for created one.
Step 5:- Provide the supervisor password
Step 6:- Master repository created successfully.
Step 7:- Verify the master repository connection.
Create new work repository:-
Step 1:- Click topology work repository new ->
Step 2:- Provide the correct connection details:-
Step 3:- Give that name password and type:-
Step 4:- Once created logout and login again as work repository:-
Installing Oracle Data Integrator on Windows, we have empowered our organization with a versatile and robust data integration platform that will help you efficiently manage, integrate, and deliver high-quality data across our enterprise. This will enable better decision-making, streamlined processes, and improved overall data management for your organization.