Corporate card transaction amount is not showing in the user’s profile. The user should have these two roles of access in their account: travel manager or employee.
Why we need to do
Amount gray-out in the field, so without amount we can’t be able to submit the expense report. So we have followed the below action plan, and the user can submit their report.
Amount is not appearing in the field.
Action Plan.
Please follow below action plan.
#1. Please make sure all expense reports are in ‘SAVED’ status.
Go to Body -> raw option (select JSON)
#2. If the user created this expense report, need to delete the report and make sure it has been the expense transaction.
#3. Update Receipt amount, reimbursable amount, exchange rate based on card transaction amounts for each problematic transaction.
Please make sure to run api’s for expense and make sure data reflected properly for each expense.
Go to Body -> raw option (select JSON)
“ReimbursableAmount”: 92.15
“ReceiptAmount”: 116000
#4. After that try to create expenses reports out of this expenses and then check reported issue.
After this fix, can able to see an amount.
After this fix, the user can view the amount and submit their expense claim.