1. Overview

This document will be helpful to update interactive grid data using JSON without using an automatic process or manual process.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this functionality,

  • SQL
  • Javascript

3. Use Case

I had a situation to update interactive grid report changes to the table, which we were using Json format.

4. Architecture 

Let us see step by step,

Step 1: Create an Interactive Grid.


Step 2: Set Attributes and “empno” as primary key column.

Step 3: Create Hidden item – P39_SELECTED_RECORDS

Step 4: Create Button as “Update”.

Step 5: Paste below code in Function and global declaration

function submitPage() {
var gridView = apex.region(“emptb”).widget().interactiveGrid(“getViews”).grid;
 var records = gridView.getSelectedRecords();
 $s(“P39_SELECTED_RECORDS”, “”);
var EMPNO, JOB,selRecordsJSON;
 var selRecords = {
                    “rows”: []
 if (records.length > 0 ) {
$.each(records, function(i, r) {
 EMPNO = gridView.model.getValue(r, “EMPNO”);
JOB = gridView.model.getValue(r, “JOB”);
 });  });
 // convert JSON into string
 selRecordsJSON = JSON.stringify(selRecords);
// alert(selRecordsJSON);
request: “Update”,
set: {
    “P39_SELECTED_RECORDS”: selRecordsJSON
        // “P_BRANCH”: apex.item(“P22_CBLK_BRANCH”).getValue(),
showWait: true

Step 6: Create dynamic action.

Event                    :  click

Selection type   :  Button

Button                  :  Update

Action                   : Javascript Expression

Code                     :   submitPage();

5. Screen Shot


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