ORDS 22 Installation Steps 


Installing Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 22 for Oracle Application Express (APEX) is crucial for enabling RESTful web services and enhancing database interaction. This guide will take you through the key steps to set up ORDS 22, ensuring seamless integration with your APEX environment. Following these instructions will help you unlock the full potential of your APEX applications. 

Step 1: 

Download and Install RPM: 



sudo rpm -i ords-22.1.X-X.elX.noarch.rpm 

Step 2: 

Configure ORDS: 

ords –config /etc/ords/config install 


ORDS: Release 23.4 Production on Sun Feb 11 17:23:00 2024 

Copyright (c) 2010, 2024, Oracle. 



Oracle REST Data Services – Interactive Install 

  Enter a number to select the type of installation 

    [1] Install or upgrade ORDS in the database only 

    [2] Create or update a database pool and install/upgrade ORDS in the database 

    [3] Create or update a database pool only 

  Choose [1]: 2 

  Enter a number to select the database pool to update, or create an additional database pool. 

  The selected (or created) database pool will be used to install or upgrade ORDS in the database. 

    [1] default      jdbc:oracle:thin:@//XX.XX.XX.XX:XX/XX.XX.XX 

    [2] Create an additional database pool 

  Choose [1]: 

  Enter a number to select the database connection type to use 

    [1] Basic (host name, port, service name) 

    [2] TNS (TNS alias, TNS directory) 

    [3] Custom database URL 

  Choose [1]: 

  Enter the database host name [XX.XX.XX.XX]: 

  Enter the database listen port [XX]: 

  Enter the database service name [XX.XX.XX]: 

  Provide database user name with administrator privileges. 

    Enter the administrator username: sys 

  Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA: 

Connecting to database user: SYS AS SYSDBA url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//XX.XX.XX.XX:XX/XX.XX.XX 

Retrieving information. 

Connecting to database user: ORDS_PUBLIC_USER url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//XX.XX.XX.XX:XX/XX.XX.XX 

  Enter a number to select additional feature(s) to enable: 

    [1] Database Actions  (Enables all features) 

    [2] REST Enabled SQL and Database API 

    [3] REST Enabled SQL 

    [4] Database API 

    [5] None 

  Choose [1]: 

  Enter a number to configure and start ORDS in standalone mode 

    [1] Configure and start ORDS in standalone mode 

    [2] Skip 

  Choose [1]: 

  Enter a number to select the protocol 

    [1] HTTP 

    [2] HTTPS 

  Choose [1]: 

  Enter the HTTP port [8080]: 

  Enter the APEX static resources location: 

2024-02-11T17:23:27.521Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services schema version 23.4.0.r3461619 is installed. 

2024-02-11T17:23:27.865Z INFO        HTTP and HTTP/2 cleartext listening on host: port: 8080 

2024-02-11T17:23:27.910Z INFO        Disabling document root because the specified folder does not exist: /etc/ords/config/global/doc_root 

2024-02-11T17:23:27.912Z INFO        Default forwarding from / to contextRoot configured. 

2024-02-11T17:23:36.524Z INFO        Configuration properties for: |default|lo| 



















2024-02-11T17:23:36.529Z WARNING     *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 20, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment *** 

2024-02-11T17:23:36.531Z WARNING     *** jdbc.InitialLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 3, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment *** 

2024-02-11T17:23:41.805Z INFO 

Mapped local pools from /etc/ords/config/databases: 

  /ords/                              => default                        => VALID 

2024-02-11T17:23:42.061Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services initialized 

Oracle REST Data Services version : 23.4.0.r3461619 

Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/10.0.18 

Oracle REST Data Services java info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.10+11-LTS-240 

Step 3: 

Enable ORDS: 

[root@ords]# sudo  systemctl enable ords 

Synchronizing state of ords.service with SysV service script with /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install. 

Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable ords 

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ords.service → /etc/systemd/system/ords.service. 

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/ords.service → /etc/systemd/system/ords.service. 


Step 4: 

Start the ORDS in nohup 

[root@ords]# nohup ords –config /etc/ords/config serve & 

[1] 1449858 

[root@ords]# nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’   


With ORDS 22 successfully installed, your APEX environment is now equipped to leverage RESTful services, enhancing the functionality and scalability of your applications. This installation ensures seamless data access and interaction, providing a robust platform for future development. Regular updates and maintenance will keep your ORDS and APEX setup running optimally.  



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