Introduction / Issue:

While accessing the UAT Oracle APEX application, users encountered a 500 Internal Server Error. This error typically indicates that there is a problem on the server side, often related to permissions or configuration issues. In this case, the problem was identified as being related to missing or insufficient privileges for APEX.

Cause of the Issue:

The 500 Internal Server Error occurred because some necessary APEX privileges were not correctly granted to the APEX schema. This can happen if the required database grants were not applied or if there were issues with the database roles and permissions. The error can cause the application to malfunction, making it inaccessible to users.

How Do We Solve:

To resolve the issue, we followed these steps to ensure that the correct privileges were granted to the APEX schema:

Set Environment Variables:

Ensure that environment variables are correctly set for the APEX schema. This includes defining schema names and other relevant parameters.

define APPUN = APEX_200200

define PREFIX = ‘@’

Run Required Grant Scripts:

Execute the SQL scripts that grant necessary privileges to the APEX schema. This includes core grants and developer grants.

start apex/core/core_grants.sql

start apex/core/dev_grants.sql

Error Faced:

Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Cause: This error occurs if the core_grants.sql script is attempting to grant privileges on objects that do not exist in the schema.

Resolution: Ensure that the APEX schema is correctly created and all required objects are present before running the grants.

Validate APEX Installation:

Use the validate_apex procedure to check the validity and configuration of the APEX installation.


EXEC SYS.validate_apex;

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $ORDS_HOME/ords.jar restart


By following these steps, the necessary privileges were granted to the APEX schema, and the 500 Internal Server Error was resolved. Running the grant scripts and validating the APEX installation helped to correct the permission issues, ensuring that the UAT application was accessible to users.

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