
The purpose of this document is to provide detailed SQL query overview of the cloud users who logged within the last 30 days.

Cause of the issue:

We didn’t get easily to get to know the users when login last within the month

How do we solve:

Adding the table which contain the user logged in history.

SQL Query:


SELECT u.username,
To_char(pu.creation_date, ‘dd-mm-yyyy’)    CREATION_DATE,
To_char(aul.last_login_date, ‘dd-mm-yyyy’) LAST_LOGIN_DATE
FROM   per_users pu,
ase_user_login_info aul
WHERE  aul.user_guid = pu.user_guid
AND pu.username = Nvl(:p_user, username)
AND aul.last_login_date IS NOT NULL
AND aul.last_login_date >= sysdate – 30 

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