Balance Forward Billing (BFB)

  • In EBS R11i we call it as consolidated billing
  • In EBS R12 Balance forward billing
  • In fusion Balance forward billing (BFT) we can used for consolidate billing purpose

Instead of billing the customer for each and every transaction separately multiple transactions you can take in to one bill generation by using this balance for billing functionality

Now if you want to create the consolidated bill for multiple transactions against the specific customer what setups we have to do

  1. Create balance forward billing cycle (Here we will specify how often we do the billing to the customer)
  2. Create BFB payment terms
  3. Create BFB customer profile class
  4. Crete BFB new customer and assign profile class to customer
  5. Create few transaction
  6. Run “Balance for Billing” report
  • When we compare with the EBS in system options level we have one show billing number option if you enable this for each transaction system will display along with the transaction number it shows that invoice is part of which balance for billing the number it will be displaying but in fusion we don’t have option

1.    Create balance forward billing cycle 


  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Financials
  • Functional area: Customer billing
  • Task : %Manage% balance% forward% billing% Cycles%
  • Select Manage Balance Forward Billing Cycles
  • Click on + to create cycle
  • Give the name, frequency, repeat every and date of month
  • Click on Done

2.    Create payment terms for BFB

  • You can create the new one or use the old one but we have to assign BFB in that we have to assign
  • After creating the Balance forward billing in how many days customer has to pay the bill from the bill generation that depends on the payment terms so that is you can specify here


  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Financials
  • Functional area: Customer billing
  • Task : %Manage% receivables % Payment %
  • Select Manage Receivables Payment Terms
  • Click on + to create payment terms and give the details
  • Billing cycle is mandatory for this
  • Click on save and close
  • Depends on due days that bills payments will done

Query the existing one

  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Financials
  • Functional area: Customer billing
  • Task : %Manage% receivables % Payment %
  • Select Manage Receivables Payment Terms
  • Query the existing one and give the Billing cycle
  • Select and open that payment
  • Save and close

3.    Create customer profile class for BFB

You can create the new one or use the old one but we have to assign BFB in that we have to assign


  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Financials
  • Functional area: Customers
  • Task : %Manage% Receivables% customer%
  • Select Manage Receivables customer profile classes
  • Click on + icon to customer profile class
  • Give the details like name and under profile class give the collector name and enable the balance forward billing option and give the bill level and type
  • Give the payment terms which we defined for BFB under terms tab and give the statement cycle under statement and dunning
  • Under Balance Forward Billing we have
  • Bill level in that we have two options 1. Account 2. Site Account means Only bank account wise it will apply, site means site level it will apply.
  • Bill Type : details and summary
  • Save and close

Query the existing one

  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Financials
  • Functional area: Customers
  • Task : %Manage% Receivables% customer%
  • Select Manage Receivables customer profile classes
  • Query the existing customer profile class
  • Select and open it and enable the Balance forward billing
  • Save and close

4.    Crete new customer BFB and assign profile class to customer

You can create the new one or use the old one but we have to assign BFB in that we have to assign

Query the existing customer

  • Go to setup and maintenance
  • Setup: Finance
  • Functional area: Customers
  • Task : %Manage% customers%
  • Select Manage Customers
  • Query the existing one and go to sites tab
  • Click on site go to profile history tab select the existing one and give the end date for that and go to action click on correct and assign the new customer profile class
  • Save and close

5.    Create few transaction

Create few transactions for check the result here I am creating the 3 invoices with 10k,20k and 30k

6.    Run “Balance for Billing” report

  • Go to ESS page
  • Click on Task list
  • Click on Search
  • Search the task called “Create Balance Forward Bills”
  • Give the details and submit
  • Click on Submit
  • Check the results it will run the two reports check the last report
  • Check the results
  • Billing number will generate in EBS invoice level will show
  • Here can see the invoice transaction numbers with amounts
  • This is the amount we have to pay to customers


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