Introduction :

The navigation menu is a critical part of the user interface, enabling users to easily access various features and pages of the application. However, the default navigation options may not always align with the specific needs of your application, especially as the complexity of the project increases. Oracle APEX provides robust tools to customize and adjust the navigation menu, ensuring it provides a seamless and user-friendly experience. In this blog, we’ll explore the different ways to enable and customize navigation menu adjustments in Oracle APEX.

Why we need to do:

We need to adjust the navigation menu in Oracle APEX to enhance user experience, tailor the menu to specific application needs, improve responsiveness on different devices, align with branding, simplify navigation for better performance, and control access based on user roles. Customizing the menu ensures a more intuitive, efficient, and secure application.

How do we solve:

Step1: In oracle apex open, Shared Component —> Template — > copy side navigation menu .

Step2:  Paste the below code .

<div class=”t-Body-nav ui-resizable” id=”t_Body_nav” role=”navigation” aria-label=”&APP_TEXT$APEX.TEMPLATE.APPLICATION.”>

Step3 : Add the following js code in execute js load on navigation.

Step4: Save the changes.

Step5: Now edit application definition properties under UI section change template name as what you newly created one .

Step6:  Now save all the changes and run the page.



Enabling and customizing the navigation menu in Oracle APEX is crucial for improving usability, tailoring the application to specific needs, and ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. By making these adjustments, you can enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your application, while also improving performance and access control. Ultimately, a well-organized and intuitive navigation menu contributes to a more efficient and enjoyable user journey, making your Oracle APEX application stand out.

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