adop phase=apply patches=12121212 abandon=yes

Used to specify whether to restart the previous run of adop. May be useful if the previous action had an error. Note:If there was an error in the previous run, and ‘abandon’ is not set to ‘yes’, the same parameters will be re-used that were used in the failed run.

If you give a value for the ‘restart’ parameter, it cannot be the same as the value given for this parameter.

adop phase=apply patches=12121212 restart=yes

Used to specify whether to restart the previous run of ADOP. May be useful if the previous action had an error.

If you give a value for the ‘abandon’ parameter, it cannot be the same as the value given for this parameter.

The below option is not going to work

adop phase=apply patches=12121212 restart=yes abandon=yes

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