AR Interface Exception Correction


Introduction/ Issue: We have an invoice which need to be imported to oracle Cloud Applications but unfortunately it got stuck at interface and not getting imported. When we download the ADFDI sheet to correct the error we have been appeared with the below issue.

Error Message:

Each line must have a unique combination of INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE values for the transaction flex field.

Why we need to do / Cause of the issue: We are in the process of month end and business has extracted these invoices from source system and uploaded the same to cloud in the required format. But somehow in the cloud interface this transaction struck with an issue. This is essential clear since we are in month close and this invoice has to be sent to end customer this month without failure. Hence we started our analysis on this issue.

As per the error message there is an issue in the interface line attributes, then we started validating that information, as a part of it, we did try to compare this RA Customer Lines All Interface attribute values with ra_interface_distributions_all and we did noticed that InterfaceLineAttribute3 is not matching between Lines & Distributions, hence we got encountered with below error.

At the Line Level:

InterfaceLineAttribute2 InterfaceLineAttribute3

2014000.D339_1 2_1

2014000.D339_1 1_2

2014000.D339_1 3_3

At the Distribution Level:

InterfaceLineAttribute2 InterfaceLineAttribute3

2014000.D339_1 2

2014000.D339_1 1

2014000.D339_1 3

How do we solve: to correct the issue, we need to download the ADFDI sheet for interface errors and search for the source and error message, then system will be showing all the lines that are having issue.

We need to correct the interface line attribute3 in RAInterfacelines as per distributions and need to click on Update from the ADFDI – add-ins, then system will update the interfaceline attribute3 in the RA_interface_lines_all

Once we are done with updating interface lines, we need to import the invoice, to import the same, we need to click on Submit button from the ADFDI sheet. Once you click on ADFDI sheet it will open a parameters screen for “Auto invoice Import”,

Here we need to select the Source, Date, if required we can also submit for specific customer, specific transaction from this screen. Once you click on Ok, it will show you a job id which triggered from ESS window and you can take it to scheduled process/ESS job page to check the status of the JOB. Auto Invoice Import Master program will also trigger Auto Invoice Execution report which will show us the all failed records if any for this job request in an excel or PDF, html formats for our ease of understanding.

Once the Job is completed, we can go to Invoice workbench to import the invoice.

Conclusion: We found the issue with the data in interfacelineattribute3 and we corrected the same and was able to fix the issue


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