Oracle Internet Of Things (IoT)

Dear Readers I would like to explain more about the Oracle IoT Cloud services. Will provide continues blogs on this technology. In this block we will explore what is IOT and what are all the [...]

High Level Steps for Datagaurd SwithOver

Please find the following High level steps to convert the primary to standby using switch over method .With this method the failover and switchover happens without much downtime .  It ensures [...]

Oracle Wait Events and Their Solutions

Db file sequential read: This event occurs when a user tries to perform a Physical I/O while waiting for sequential reads from the Buffer cache. It occurs when the data on the table is accessed [...]

TXK Delta 13 failed due to missing files

TXK Delta 13(32392507) plus critical TXK patches 33550674, 33535778 failed because of missing files adsign.txt and adkeystore.dat under $APPL_TOP_NE/ad/admin The Solution: The apply phase failed [...]

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