How to give read permission on secondary replica in always-on AG Purpose of Log shipping: Always On availability groups feature is a high-availability and disaster-recovery solution that [...]
How to give read permission on secondary server in log shipping Purpose of Log shipping: SQL Server Log shipping allows databases to automatically send transaction log backups from a primary [...]
What is Log shipping? SQL Server Log shipping is an automatic process that sends transaction log backups from a primary database server instance to secondary databases server on secondary [...]
TempDB Files space issue What is the purpose of tempdb in SQL server.? Ans: Tempdb is a temporary database which contains tables data for temporary purpose SQL Server PDW system database that [...]
Identify and remove unused indexes in SQL Server Introduction: Indexes means order information about data, with indexes we can retrieve data from the database more [...]
Controlling visibility of databases and server level setting by Contained Database Introduction: Contained Database is a new feature of SQL Server 2012. A contained database is a database that is [...]
Adding data file to Mirroring database What is Mirroring? Database mirroring involves redoing every insert, update, and delete operation that occurs on the principal database onto the [...]
What is log shipping? SQL Server Log shipping allows you to automatically send transaction log backups from a primary database on a primary server instance to one or more secondary databases on [...]
Resource Database Corruption: What is resource database: Resource database is a binary and a system database, and its corruption would not allow instance to start. If resource database is corrupt [...]
Slipstream in SQL Server What is the slipstream how to use slipstream to install SQL server? Slipstream is a technique used by System Admins to easily update the setup [...]