Introduction: This blog has the SQL query that can be used to pull the data for the AR Customer Dunning Strategy Status Report Cause of the issue: [...]
Introduction : This blog has the configuration update the same customer tax registration number for multiple customers/sites Why we need to do : As per the legal requirement, Business requested [...]
Introduction : This blog has the configuration to skip the deletion of the entries from AR_STATEMENT_HEADERS and AR_STATMENT_LINE_CL Why we need to do : While creating/customizing/debugging the [...]
Introduction: This blog has the script to get the Non po invoice details in Oracle Cloud application for Audit purpose. Cause of the issue: Auditor wanted to see the Non-PO invoice details. How [...]
Introduction: This blog has the script to get the credit memo application details in Oracle Cloud application for Audit purpose. Cause of the issue: Auditor wanted to see the credit application [...]
Introduction: This blog has the SOAP Webservice details that can be used to update the customer send statement and send dunning flag into Oracle Cloud application. Cause of the issue: [...]
Introduction: This blog has the SOAP Webservice details that can be used to update the customer statement delivery method into Oracle Cloud application. Cause of the issue: Business wants [...]
Introduction: This blog has the SQL query that can be used to pull the HR Contingent Worker details per country for EBS to Cloud data migration. SQL Query : SELECT DISTINCT [...]
Introduction: This blog has the SQL query that can be used to pull the lease assets details per asset book for EBS to Cloud data migration. SQL Query: SELECT fb.book_type_code asset_book [...]