If a point-in-time recovery is not an option, follow the steps below: Backup the Database as sys user. We will have to patch fed$apps and obj$. startup restrict; Create backup tables:create table [...]
Please use the below query. set lines 132 col waitevent head EVENT format a5 trunc col username format a10 col osuser format a10 trunc col p1 format 9999 col p3 format 999 col sid format [...]
Please follow the below steps to delete all the latest inactive patches using the following command. One inactive patch remains, to allow the current patch to be rolled back. cd [...]
Please use the below query. SELECT count(prev_sql_id),prev_sql_id,sql_text FROM v$session LEFT OUTER JOIN v$sql ON v$session.prev_sql_id = v$sql.sql_id WHERE [...]
Please find the below steps to resolve the same. ADI [Application Data Integrity] memory feature is enabled by default in Solaris SPARC Download and apply Patch 35464935. OR Set the follow [...]
Please use the below query for a period. SELECT to_char(rollup_timestamp,’DD-MON-YY HH24′) “Date”, average “CPU Usage %” FROM sysman.MGMT\$METRIC_HOURLY [...]
Please create the below and disable or drop the trigger once completed. create or replace trigger set_trace after logon on database begin if user not in [...]