
The below are the steps to follow to develop a basic Custom form in EBS.

Download the Resource folder from the server and place it in the local directory.

Right Click on form builder–> Select properties –> In Start field : <resource folder path>

Creating Table:

Create a table with who columns, flex field columns, and Database Columns.

Registering Table and Columns:

When the table contains flexfield columns or alert columns, the table and columns need to be logged in the application.

Ad_dd is the API used to register table and columns.


EXEC ad_dd.register_table (‘<Application short name>’, ‘<Table name>’, ‘<Transaction Table-T>’);

exec ad_dd.register_table (‘SQLAP’, ‘DOY_TB_CUSTOMERS_DEFN_10418’, ‘T’);

EXEC AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN (‘<Application short name>’, ‘<Table name>’,'<Column name>’, <Sequence number of column>,’<Data type>’, <Column Width>,'<Nullable>’, ‘<Translatable>’);


Note: Column width or Number -38 and for Date-9 if not specified.

Creating Main Form:

  1. Download TEMPLATE.fmb and APPSTAND.fmb from the server and place the files in the resource folder.
  2. Now open TEMPLATE.fmb in form builder and rename the file.
  3. Remove the Defaults
    >Open Oracle Forms Builder
    >Open the form TEMPLATE.fmb
    >Rename the form (ex XX_abcd1)
    >Delete the followings from object nevigator.
    >Go to Data Blocks and delete BLOCKNAME, DETAILBLOCK
    >Go to Windows and delete BLOCKNAME
    >Go to Canvases and delete BLOCKNAME
  4. Create new window, canvas, and data block.
  5. Modify the PRE-FORM Trigger
    >Go to triggers—PREFORM
    >Original Code:

    FND_STANDARD.FORM_INFO(‘$Revision: 120.0 $’, ‘Template Form’, ‘FND’,
    ‘$Date: 2005/05/06 23:25  $’, ‘$Author: appldev $’);
    app_window.set_window_position(‘BLOCKNAME’, ‘FIRST_WINDOW’);

    >Modified Code:

    FND_STANDARD.FORM_INFO(‘$Revision: 1.0 $’, ‘XXCUST_10418′,’CUST_FORM_10418’,

‘$Date: 2017/03/23 11:00  $’, ‘$Author: Gayathri $’);


app_window.set_window_position(‘CUSTOMERS’, ‘FIRST_WINDOW’);
> Compile the code

  1. Modification for Program unit
    > Go to APP_CUSTOM*(Package Body)
    >Type your First window name in place of <your first window>
    > Compile the code
  2. If an Item in the Datablock is of Date type and you want to attach a standard calendar to it, do the following
    > Go to Text Item> Property palate > Subclass Information > Property Class
    > Give property class name as TEXT_ITEM_DATE
    > Attach LOV as ENABLE_LIST_LAMP
    > Create KEY-LISTVAL item level trigger & add following code into it; and compile the trigger.

Compiling & Registering Form :

  1. Deploy .fmb file in the server in AU_TOP/version/forms/US
  2. Compile the fmb file in putty using below steps
  3. A) cd appl_top
  4. B) find *.env
  5. C) . ./<First environment variable ex: APPSUAT_ebs12training.env>
  6. D) cd au_top/version/forms/US
  7. E) frmcmp_batch userid=apps/apps module=<form name>.fmb output_file=CUST_TOP/version/forms/US/<form name>.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special
  8. F) Now register form under Application Developer -> Application -> Form
  9. G) Register Function System Administrator —>Application —> Function
  10. H) Register Menu and Responsibility.



Assigning WHO Columns :


  1. Apply the CREATION_OR_LAST_UPDATE_DATE property class to the form fields CREATION_DATE and LAST_UPDATE_DATE. This property class sets the correct attribute values like data type and width.
  2. Create PRE_INSERT AND PRE_UPDATE triggers under data block with


Creating QUERY_FND form:

  1. Drag QUERY_FIND Object Group from APPSTAND.fmb to Our Form Object Group. Here we get window,canvas, and data block will come automatically with the name QUERY_FIND.
  2. Apply subclass information to QUERY_FND Window, Canvas, as well as Block. And drag these to first position.
  3. In the QUERY_FIND data block, we get three buttons(Clear, New, Find) with 3 Triggers.
  4. Give Block name as <main forms data block name> in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger of New and Find Button. Compile and close.
  5. Open the QUERY_FND canvas and create test items.
  6. Next, drag the QUERY_FIND trigger from APPSTAND.fmb and Place it in Main forms data block level trigger.


APP_FIND.QUERY_FIND(<results block window>, <Find window>, <Find window block>);



  1. Create pre_query trigger in main forms block

IF :parameter.G_query_find = ‘TRUE’ THEN

COPY (<find Window field>,<results field>);

Ex: COPY(:QUERY_FIND.customer_id, ‘customers.customer_id’);

:parameter.G_query_find := ‘FALSE’;


  1. In the form module, give the first navigation block as QUERY_FIND. In the QUERY_FIND data block, give the next navigation block as MAIN DATA BLOCK.
  2. Save and move to the server.


This Post described steps to follow to develop a basic Custom form in EBS. Download the Resource folder from the server and place it in the local directory. In Oracle EBS R12.

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