
In today’s data-driven world, database performance is crucial for business success. SQL Server 2022 introduces significant advancements, including the Buffer Pool Parallel Scan feature, designed to optimize performance on large memory machines. This blog explores how SQL Server memory management works, the role of the Buffer Pool, and how SQL Server 2022’s enhancements dramatically improve database efficiency.

Understanding SQL Server Memory Management

SQL Server manages memory dynamically, allocating resources based on workload demands and available system resources. Memory management is key to ensuring efficient query performance and overall system responsiveness. Here are the main components involved:

Buffer Pool: The primary memory consumer, caching data and index pages.

Procedure Cache: Stores execution plans for stored procedures and queries.

Log Pool: Manages transaction log memory.

Other Memory Clerks: Handle memory for various internal operations, such as query optimization and lock management.

Buffer Pool Basics

The Buffer Pool is a central part of SQL Server’s memory architecture. It stores data pages, index pages, and other information, reducing the need for repeated disk reads. This cache improves query performance and system responsiveness.

SQL Server retrieves data mainly from two areas which are – memory and disk. Disk operations are more expensive in terms of I/O, making them slower than memory operations. SQL Server stores and retrieves data pages from the Buffer Pool, where operations are much faster.

Preparing the Buffer Pool

To see how the Buffer Pool works and benefits query processing, it’s helpful to start with a cold cache—a Buffer Pool not populated with any pages. You can achieve this without restarting SQL Server by issuing the following commands:

                   CHECKPOINT; -- Writes dirty pages to disk, cleans the buffers
   DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS; -- Removes all buffers

These commands ensure the Buffer Pool is empty, allowing you to observe how SQL Server populates it during query execution.

Observing Buffer Pool Usage

SQL Server provides several management views and built-in functionalities to monitor Buffer Pool usage. For example, the sys.dm_os_memory_clerks Dynamic Management View helps check Buffer Pool allocations:

          -- Check MEMORYCLERK_SQLBUFFERPOOL allocation
                        SELECT TOP 10 [type], SUM(pages_kb) / 1024 AS SizeMb
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
GROUP BY [type]
             ORDER BY SUM(pages_kb) / 1024 DESC;

Running queries with the SET STATISTICS IO ON command allows you to see how SQL Server retrieves rows, indicating logical reads from the cache and physical reads from disk:

             SELECT TOP 10000 * FROM Tablename;

After we execute above query, by clicking the Messages tab we can see how SQL has ‘read’ the data.

In this scenario, there are 61 logical reads and one physical read. The logical reads are those from cache, while the physical reads are from disk. Memory is significantly faster than disk, therefore the more logical reads the better.

The Challenge of Buffer Pool Scanning

In previous SQL Server versions, which is before SQL Server 2022, Buffer Pool scans were conducted in a serial manner, which meant that even on systems with large amounts of memory, the scan operations could become a bottleneck.

Serial scans could only use a single CPU core, leading to inefficiencies and prolonged operation times, especially on systems with extensive memory allocations. These serial scan operations often resulted in significant performance bottlenecks during critical tasks such as

  • Creation of New databases: Initializing a new database could take an unexpectedly long time due to the need to scan and initialize memory structures.
  • File Drop Operations
  • Backup and Restore Operations
  • Availability group failovers: High availability setups, critical for minimizing downtime, were hampered by slow failover times.
  • DBCC CheckDB: Regular maintenance tasks such as CHECKDB could become lengthy processes, affecting system performance and availability.
  • Log Restore Operations: Restarting transaction logs after a failure or maintenance could be slow, impacting availability.
  • Internal Operations such as CHECKPOINT

The slowness is mainly because of the serial operation and the amount of memory that it’s having to scan through.

Additionally, we can do a buffer pool flush as a workaround to decrease the buffer pool size.

And flushing the Buffer Pool will cause some performance decrease. Any further query executions would need re-reading the data from the data file. So, if you try to add a remedy, such as flushing the buffer pool, you’ll end up boosting IO.

The Buffer Pool Parallel Scan in SQL Server 2022

With SQL Server 2022, the introduction of Buffer Pool Parallel Scan transforms how these operations are handled. By leveraging multiple CPU cores, SQL Server can now perform Buffer Pool scans in parallel, drastically reducing the time required for these operations.

This enhancement allows SQL Server to handle large memory machines more efficiently, drastically improving the speed of operations that previously suffered from slow, serialized scans.

The Buffer Pool Parallel Scan feature in SQL Server 2022 is enabled by default, bringing immediate benefits across various scenarios.

Customers running SQL Server 2022 may realize a 20-fold improvement in executions that were previously slower due to serialized scan operations, and this parallel scan capability also improves the Buffer Pool Scan Performance of smaller databases or smaller operations located on bigger Environments.

As per Microsoft, the comparison between both Parallel and Serial scans performed in the same machines under the same working conditions are as below.

We can force the buffer pool scan to use a serial scan by using below commend.


And with the command below, we can force buffer pool scan to use parallel scan


Enhanced Diagnostics

SQL Server 2022 not only boosts performance but also enhances supportability with improved diagnostics. Extended events capture detailed information about Buffer Pool Scans, allowing users to monitor and analyze performance more effectively.

This data is crucial for understanding the benefits of migrating to SQL Server 2022 and optimizing database performance.

New diagnostics include:

Buffer Pool Scan Complete Event: Triggered when a Buffer Pool Scan takes longer than a second, providing details such as elapsed time, parallel tasks, scan buffers, command, and operation.

Error Log Messages: Notifications in the error log whenever a Buffer Pool Scan exceeds 10 seconds.

These diagnostics enable administrators to monitor scan operations closely and understand the impact of the Buffer Pool Parallel Scan feature, aiding in performance tuning and troubleshooting.


SQL Server 2022’s Buffer Pool Parallel Scan offers a revolutionary solution for optimizing database performance on high-memory machines. By embracing parallel processing, SQL Server environments can achieve unprecedented efficiency and speed, significantly enhancing the overall performance of critical database operations.



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