User Submitted concurrent Program “XXFM TBI DEBIT CONTROL” in DEV environment after Clone.

Program failure happening with Below Error.

Oracle Database 19c (Multitenant) and EBS Application is 12.2.10 running on OEL7 servers. 

In our case, 1 DB + 1 Application Server we are using.

Upon verifying, we could see APPLPTMP variable path is not part of “$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/DEV_utlfiledir.txt“. 

Hence we corrected “s_applptmp” Application CONTEXT_FILE variable to use “/u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp” and ran autoconfig in application node. 

Note: Path “/u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp” should be sharable across DB and Application Servers.



Below are the details after correcting details in DB and Application Nodes.

[oracle@devdb ]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@devdb dbs]$ ls -ltr *.txt
-rw-rw-r– 1 oracle dba 2924 Sep 24 12:33 DEV_utlfiledir.txt
[oracle@devdb dbs]$ cat DEV_utlfiledir.txt
[oracle@devdb dbs]$

[oracle@devdb dbs]$ ls -ltd /u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp
drwxrwxrwx 2 ftpuser dba 4096 Sep 26 13:02 /u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp
[oracle@devdb dbs]$


[applmgr@devapp ~]$ grep -i APPLPTMP $CONTEXT_FILE
<APPLPTMP oa_var=”s_applptmp” osd=”UNIX”>/u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp</APPLPTMP>
[applmgr@devapp ~]$

[applmgr@devapp ~]$ ls -ltd /u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp
drwxrwxrwx. 2 applmgr dba 4096 Sep 26 13:02 /u01/app/oracle/DEV/conc/applptmp
[applmgr@devapp ~]$


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