
Line coordinates are used to specify the position of a line just as point coordinates (or simply coordinates) are used to specify the position of a point.

User can draw multiple lines on an Apex Image Item and the Coordinates of all the drawn lines can be obtained and stored in Database Table.

This can be achieved by using HTML,CSS, JavaScript.

Steps To Follow


To get Multiple Lines on your Apex Display Image Item place the following code in the page HTML Header.





<html lang=”en”>


<div id=”page”>

<div id=”content”>


/* Lines can be styled with normal css: */


-webkit-transform-origin: 0 50%;

-moz-transform-origin: 0 50%;

transform-origin: 0 50%;

height: 2px; /* Line width of 3 */

background: red; /* Black fill */

opacity: 0.5;

box-shadow: 0 0 8px #B99B7E;

/* For some nice animation on the rotates: */

-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;

-moz-transition:    -moz-transform 1s;

transition:         transform 1s;





var x1 = null, y1 = null;


function createLine(x1,y1, x2,y2){

var length = Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2));

var angle  = Math.atan2(y2 – y1, x2 – x1) * 180 / Math.PI;

var transform = “rotate(“+angle+”deg)”;


var line = $(“<div>”)




“position”: “absolute”,

“-webkit-transform”:  transform,

“-moz-transform”:     transform,

“transform”:          transform



.offset({left: x1, top: y1});


return line;



var x = event.pageX,

y = event.pageY;

var left1 = x1;

var top1 = y1;

document.getElementById(“P684_X1”).value = top1;

document.getElementById(“P684_Y1”).value = left1;                                    if (x1 == null){

x1 = x; y1 = y;

} else {


x1 = y1 = null;


var left= x;

var top = y;

document.getElementById(“P684_X”).value = top;

document.getElementById(“P684_Y”).value = left;

var color = ‘red’;var size = ‘5px’;


$(‘<div> <FONT SIZE=”+2″ COLOR=”00ff00″><p id=”p1″></p></FONT></div>’)

//  $(‘<div class=”rc-bottom”><div class=”rc-bottom-r”></div></div>’)

// .css(‘position’, ‘absolute’)

.css(‘position’, ‘absolute’)

.css(‘top’, top+ ‘px’)

.css(‘left’, left+ ‘px’)

.css(‘width’, size)

.css(‘height’, size)

.css(‘background-color’, color)

);       })

.delegate(“.line”, “click”, function(event){



x1 = y1 =null;

return false;

});         });


<div id=”demo”></div>




<script type=”text/javascript”>




if ((document.getElementById(“P684_Z”).value) != “”) {

$(function() {


$( “#popup” ).dialog({

height: 200,

width: 250});


}     }</script>



Create Page Number Field item P#_X, P#_Y, P#_X1, P#_Y1. These items denotes the X and Y Coordinates of the Line.



Now create Dynamic Action as follows:


Name:  Insert Coordinates

Event:  Click

Select Type:  Item(s)

Condition:  No condition

Action:  Execute PL/SQL Code

Event Scope:  Dynamic

Fire On Page Load:  Unselect

Page Items to submit:  P684_X,P684_Y,P684_X1,P684_Y1





l_seq   NUMBER := 0;


SELECT NVL (MAX (dtls_id), 0) + 1

INTO l_seq

FROM homes_rt_image_dtls;


IF :p684_x1 IS NOT NULL


INSERT INTO homes_rt_image_dtls

(dtls_id, image_upload_id, x_value, y_value, x1_value,



VALUES (l_seq, :p684_image_upload_id, :p684_x, :p684_y, :p684_x1,






Now On click of the Image , i.e When you click two points on the Image Line will be drawn and the corresponding Coordinates of the Line will be displayed and stored in the Database.

Thus in this way coordinate Mapping can be done in Oracle APEX.

Call To Action

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By this User can draw multiple lines on an Apex Image Item and the Coordinates of all the drawn lines can be obtained and stored in Database Table.

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