Data Source:- A data source is an object which is used to establish connection between data source contains info about the database like Hostname of the database server, port number, type of the driver, database name and user credentials of database server like username and password.

Steps to configure Datasource 0r Database:-

  1. login to admin console. Expand services and select JDBC.
  2. Create a new data source name and register with the JNDI.
  3. Select the type of the database which you are trying to connect.
  4. Select the type of driver.
  5. Provide the database details like database name, hostname, port number, user credentials of the database like username and password.
  6. Test the configuration. If all the configuration information is correct  and if the database is running will get a message text connection is succeeded.
  7. Config.xml file get updated with the data source name, targets and XML filename and location.
  8. URL to connect to database.
  9. Jdbc: oracle: thin:@hostname: 1521: XE protocol: sub protocol: type of driver: Host name of the database : Portnumber of db: database name.
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