1. Overview

This document talks about dynamically setting decimal value for a particular column in an Interactive Grid report or Item using JavaScript.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this functionality,

  • JavaScript

3. Use Case

I received a requirement from a customer saying, dynamically they need to set the decimal values to an IG amount column and Amount field (Item) based on input values.

4. Architecture

Assume that there is a select list item “P2_DECIMAL”, when we select a value as 2 then the amount column or item should have 2 decimal values like ‘1000.25’.

Let us see step by step,

Step 1: Create item “P2_DECIMAL” as select list.

Step 2:  Then, navigate to Advanced section set “p2decimalclass“ is CSS classes.

Step 3: Create Interactive Grid report with “IG” as Static value.

Step 4: Change date type of “Sal” column from number to text field.

Step 5:  Paste below code in “Execute When Page Loads“.


$(‘.p2decimalclass’).change(function() {

var dec =$v(‘P2_DECIMAL’);

var widget = apex.region(‘IG’).widget();

var grid = widget.interactiveGrid(‘getViews’,’grid’);

var model = grid.model;

var digit =$v(‘P2_DECIMAL’);

model.forEach(function(r) {

if (model.getValue(r,”SAL”) != ”) {

var val =model.getValue(r,”SAL”)

var reslt = parseFloat(val).toFixed(digit);





Step 6:     Create a static region in Global Page and Paste below code



function setdecimal(input,digit) {

if (input != ”) {

var val = apex.item(input).getValue();

if (val != ”) {

var reslt = parseFloat(val).toFixed(digit);






Step 7: create an item as “P2_Number”.

Step 8: Set custom Attributes as

 onChange=”return setdecimal(this,document.getElementById(‘P2_DECIMAL’).value)”;

5. Screen Shots

5.1 IG Output


5.2 Item output

Step 1) Select any vlaue in the Decimal field.

Step 2) Input value to the Number field.











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