
Oracle Enterprise Command Centers can be integrated to the Oracle E-Business Suite which enables enterprises to have real-time operational data at their fingertips. The integration allows the businesses to better their decision making, process optimization and cost and revenue management. During ECC installation process, A blank ECC Developer page after a fresh installation can be frustrating. Often linked to console log errors, this blog discussed about one of the common errors, and troubleshooting steps to quickly resolve the issue and get your ECC environment running.


ECC Developer Page Is Blank After Performing New Installation And Console Log Errors”Uncaught RangeError: Invalid time zone specified: XXX”

Error :-

Identified below errors from browsers “Web developer tools – Console log”

Refused to apply style from ‘http://ebshostname:httpport/oa_html/oafjet/styles/ojuxiconfont.min.css’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
ojconverter-nativedatetime.js:1946 Uncaught RangeError: Invalid time zone specified: EDT

Getting a blank page when attempting to access ECC Developer from http://<ecc_hostname.fqdn>:7776/ecc/

Wrong timezone code used during installation and
grep -i time

To fix timezone problem, perform below steps:
Source $ECC_BASE/Oracle/quickInstall/env/ecc.env
Open $ECC_BASE/Oracle/quickInstall/

Change the below value:



Go to  $ECC_BASE/Oracle/quickInstall/env/ecc/ and update below values.

# Timezone set to sync the ECC with the source system timezone

# Timezone set to sync the ECC with the source system timezone

Save the files and run the following commands to run the script:
cd $ECC_BASE/Oracle/quickInstall

Restart eccManaged services
Relaunch Application and log in with sysadmin and now try to access ECC Developer

NOTE: It is always recommended to use the “long form” of the Timezone which is outlined in the Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12 (Doc ID 393861.1) under the time zone which is applicable for ECC as well.


We hope this journey has provided valuable insights and helped you address the challenges outlined above. As you apply these learnings to your own technical endeavors, we invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. Here’s to building a future of efficient, integrated, and seamlessly managed Oracle environments!

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