The employee has created multiple bank accounts, and an incorrect bank account was mapped at the invoice level. So the payment has been rejected.


Follow the below steps to update the bank account for the employee

SQL Query:

We need person id to check the bank account details.

select email_address, email_type, date_from, date_to, person_id from PER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES
where email_address = ‘Employee email id’

To run the below query to identify the active bank account for the employee,.

select per.person_number,eba.*
from per_persons p
, hz_parties h
, hz_orig_sys_references hosp
, per_all_people_f per
, iby_ext_bank_accounts eba
, iby_account_owners ao
where hosp.owner_table_id = h.party_id
and hosp.orig_system_reference = to_char(p.person_id)
and hosp.owner_table_name=’HZ_PARTIES’
and hosp.orig_system = ‘FUSION_HCM’
and p.person_id = per.person_id
and per.person_id = Person ID
and eba.ext_bank_account_id=ao.ext_bank_account_id
and AO.ACCOUNT_OWNER_PARTY_ID = h.party_id
and not exists (Select 1
from pay_person_pay_methods_f ppm, pay_pay_relationships_dn pprd
where ppm.bank_account_id = eba.ext_bank_account_id
and ppm.payroll_relationship_id= pprd.payroll_relationship_id
and per.person_id = pprd.person_id)

We can get the details bank account details to run the above query and connect with the employee to inactive the existing bank account.

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