Getting 503 Service Unavailable error while trying to access Apex front end URL.
The username or password for the connection pool named |apex||, are invalid, expired, or the account is locked.
- We need to verify the accounts associated with “Apex” connection pool got expired or locked using below query.
SELECT username,account_status,expiry_date FROM dba_users WHERE username like ‘%APEX%’;
- We need to unlock the particular user if it got locked using below command.
- We need to reset the password if account is Expired.
- Before we reset, need to cross check the password which we have in ORDS config file of particular user to use the same password when we reset.
- Why because, if we use new password when we reset, again we need to change it in ORDS config file of particular user and need to bounce the tomcat services(depends on what we have).
ALTER USER <Username> IDENTIFIED BY new_password;
- Cross check the apex url it will be accessible now.
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