Following steps are used to compile the forms in EBS R.12.
Step 1: Login to application user in application server through winscp and go to $AU_TOP/forms/US
step 2: copy CUSTOM_TOP.fmb to local system
step 3: copy CUSTOM_TOP.fmb from local system to application server through winscp
step 4: Login to application user in application server through putty and go to $AU_TOP/forms/US and execute the following step
Generating forms executed file
frmpcmp_batch module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/CUSTOM_TOP.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=$CUSTOM_TOP_TOP/forms/US/CUSTOM_TOP.fmx module_type=form batch=no
step 6: check the CUSTOM_TOP.fmx file created or not in $CUSTOM_TOP_TOP/forms/US
Thank You.
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