SELECT jb.NAME, gh.period_name, gh.je_source, gh.je_category,
gh.currency_code, gc.concatenated_segments, gl.entered_cr,
gl.entered_dr, gl.accounted_cr, gl.accounted_dr
FROM gl_je_batches jb,
gl_je_headers gh,
gl_je_lines gl,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gc
WHERE jb.je_batch_id = gh.je_batch_id
AND gh.je_header_id = gl.je_header_id
AND gl.code_combination_id = gc.code_combination_id
— AND gc.segment2 IN (‘491100’, ‘781900’, ‘794000’)
–AND jb.default_period_name = ‘JAN-11’
— AND jb.set_of_books_id = 162
— AND gh.je_category = ‘Labor Cost’
— AND gh.je_source = ‘Project Accounting’

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