

The following are list of types under Globalization on the Shared Components page.

  1. Globalization Attributes
  2. Text Messages
  3. Translate Application


1.Globalization Attributes

We can develop applications that can run concurrently in different languages. Click this link to specify globalization options such as the Application Primary Language and Application Language Derived From attributes.

We can set the application date format once the date format has been set then it will be set for the whole application. Whenever we select the date from date picker it will set as the format that we mentioned in globalization.

Document Direction

We can set the document reading direction. By default its from left to right.

We can also change from right to left also.

The below is the simple example to change the primary language type to “Chinese”





Application Date format.

Once the Application date format has been set then it will be followed for whole application.

By default the date format is “DD-MON-RR”, Now we are changing the format to “DD-MON-YYYY”.


Now create a new date picker item and the format looks as below with format “DD-MON-YYYY”.

Once we create a new application then if set the format as above it will helps to reflect for all the pages.


2.Text Messages

Text Messages can be used to build translatable text strings with substitution variables that can be called from PL/SQL packages, procedures, and functions.

We may need to translate messages if your application:

Includes PL/SQL regions or PL/SQL processes, or calls a PL/SQL package, procedure, or function. If it does, you may need to translate the generated HTML.

Uses a language that is not one of the ten languages into which Oracle Application Express is translated. If it does, you may need to translate messages used in reports.

We can create text message by click the button “Create Text Message”.



We create a new text message for the translation and set the name for it.

3.Translate Application

Applications can be translated from a primary language into other languages. Each translation results in the creation of a new translated application. Each translation requires a mapping which identifies the target language as well as the translated application ID. Translated applications cannot be edited directly in the App Builder.

Once the translation mappings are established the translatable text within the application is seeded into a translation repository. This repository can then be exported to an XLIFF for translation.

Once the XLIFF file is populated with the translations, one file per language, the XLIFF file is uploaded back into the translation repository. The final step is to publish each translated application from the translation repository.

A translated application will require synchronization when the primary application has been modified since the translated version was last published. Even modifications to application logic will require synchronization. To synchronize, seed and publish the translated application.



Click “Create”, to create a new translated application.


Reference :



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