- Each table is made up of extents and each extent is made up of oracle blocks – a common block size is 8k. So you have a table with 10 extents (80K).
- When any table creates the high water mark will be in the ‘starting’ position. The high water mark keep moving forward as data get saved into the database. After inserting some records High Water Mark will be moved to forward.
- When you delete the rows from table, the blocks below HWM may becomes empty but high water mark will stay as it is. Suppose you load the table with 1 million rows .Now you will have suppose the high water mark as 1 GB. Now if you delete all the 1 millions rows, then even the high water mark will be remain same as 1 GB. The only way to reduce the HWM is to rebuild the able or use truncate table. Oracle Truncate table reduce the High water mark.
Why do we need HWM ?
- The high water mark (HWM) has a function that comes into play with tables that have heavy insert, update and delete activity. Every time data is changed in a table, the HWM moves to a setting in each table that shows how much free space is left in terms of blocks used and free in the segment object.
- To resize any datafile to reclaim some space on the datafile. Need to check for the High water mark usage and based on that Water mark we may have to resize the respective datafile to get the space reclaimed.
- We had an critical space issue on the datawarehouse environment to reclaim the space identified the datafiles using below query and resized the respective datafiles where we can get some space through this process.
Step1:Check the current data file size.
SET TERMOUT OFF; COLUMN current_instance NEW_VALUE current_instance NOPRINT; SELECT rpad(instance_name, 17) current_instance FROM v$instance; SET TERMOUT ON; PROMPT PROMPT +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PROMPT | Report : Data File Report (all physical files) | PROMPT | Instance : ¤t_instance | PROMPT +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SET ECHO OFF SET FEEDBACK 6 SET HEADING ON SET LINESIZE 180 SET PAGESIZE 50000 SET TERMOUT ON SET TIMING OFF SET TRIMOUT ON SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET VERIFY OFF CLEAR COLUMNS CLEAR BREAKS CLEAR COMPUTES COLUMN tablespace FORMAT a35 HEADING 'Tablespace Name / File Class' COLUMN filename FORMAT a40 HEADING 'Filename' COLUMN filesize FORMAT 9999999999999 HEADING 'File Size MB' COLUMN autoextensible FORMAT a4 HEADING 'Auto' COLUMN increment_by FORMAT 999999999999 HEADING 'Next in MB' COLUMN maxbytes FORMAT 999999999999 HEADING 'Max Size MB' BREAK ON report COMPUTE sum OF filesize ON report COMPUTE sum OF maxbytes ON report SELECT /*+ ordered */ d.tablespace_name tablespace , d.file_name filename , d.bytes/1024/1024 filesize , d.autoextensible autoextensible , (d.increment_by * e.value)/1024/1024 increment_by , d.maxbytes/1024/1024 maxbytes FROM sys.dba_data_files d , v$datafile v , (SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size') e WHERE (d.file_name = UNION SELECT d.tablespace_name || ' **TEMP**' tablespace , d.file_name filename , d.bytes/1024/1024 filesize , d.autoextensible autoextensible , (d.increment_by * e.value)/1024/1024 increment_by , d.maxbytes/1024/1024 maxbytes FROM sys.dba_temp_files d , (SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size') e UNION SELECT '[ ONLINE REDO LOG ]' , a.member , b.bytes/1024/1024 , null , TO_NUMBER(null) , TO_NUMBER(null) FROM v$logfile a , v$log b WHERE = UNION SELECT '[ STANDBY REDO LOG ]' , a.member , b.bytes/1024/1024 , null , TO_NUMBER(null) , TO_NUMBER(null) FROM v$logfile a , v$standby_log b WHERE = UNION SELECT '[ CONTROL FILE ]' , , TO_NUMBER(null) , null , TO_NUMBER(null) , TO_NUMBER(null) FROM v$controlfile a ORDER BY 1,2 /
Step 2:Will suggest a new size based on HWM.
set lines 180 pages 200 select 'alter database datafile'||' '''||file_name||''''||' resize '||round(highwater+100)||' '||'m'||';' from ( select /*+ rule */ a.tablespace_name, a.file_name, a.bytes/1024/1024 file_size_MB, (b.maximum+c.blocks-1)*d.db_block_size/1024/1024 highwater from dba_data_files a , (select file_id,max(block_id) maximum from dba_extents group by file_id) b, dba_extents c, (select value db_block_size from v$parameter where name='db_block_size') d where a.file_id= b.file_id and c.file_id = b.file_id and c.block_id = b.maximum order by a.tablespace_name,a.file_name);
Step 3:Find High Water Mark in particular Table.
SQL> SET LINESIZE 300 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SET VERIFY OFF DECLARE CURSOR cu_tables IS SELECT a.owner, a.table_name FROM all_tables a WHERE a.table_name = Decode(Upper('&&Table_Name'),'ALL',a.table_name,Upper('&&Table_Name')) AND a.owner = Upper('&&Table_Owner') AND a.partitioned='NO' AND a.logging='YES' order by table_name; op1 NUMBER; op2 NUMBER; op3 NUMBER; op4 NUMBER; op5 NUMBER; op6 NUMBER; op7 NUMBER; BEGIN Dbms_Output.Disable; Dbms_Output.Enable(1000000); Dbms_Output.Put_Line('TABLE UNUSED BLOCKS TOTAL BLOCKS HIGH WATER MARK'); Dbms_Output.Put_Line('------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------'); FOR cur_rec IN cu_tables LOOP Dbms_Space.Unused_Space(cur_rec.owner,cur_rec.table_name,'TABLE',op1,op2,op3,op4,op5,op6,op7); Dbms_Output.Put_Line(RPad(cur_rec.table_name,30,' ') || LPad(op3,15,' ') || LPad(op1,15,' ') || LPad(Trunc(op1-op3-1),15,' ')); END LOOP; END; /
Run the Script to given below the output:
SQL> DELETE FROM emp WHERE eno<=25000;
25000 rows deleted.
Again the run the script:
SQL> truncate table emp;
Table truncated.
Again the run the script will change the high water mark:
- Export /Import the table
- Alter tablespace move
- Truncate and insert table
- Analyze the table
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