How to access HTTPS/SSL URL via utl_http using the orapki wallet command


Our goal is to call/access the HTTPS/SSL url from within PL/SQL

The instruction provided here should also work for accessing other secure websites using PL/SQL as long as you have loaded the valid certificates into wallet.

Example: Here I am calling a google website

Steps to be followed,

  1. Get the certificates
  2. Create a wallet and Add certificates to wallet
  3. Create an ACL
  4. Connect to HTTPS

Step 1: Get the certificates

Go to the website in a web browser

Click on the padlock symbol and then Certificate

Now go to Certification Path and click on View Certificate


The top two certificate must be downloaded separately one after another as a separate certificates file. Do not download the last leaf []

And then now click on Copy to File

A wizard will open, in that click Next button

Choose Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) option

Specify a file name to save the certificate

Click Next and then Finish

Now the Certificate is exported successfully

Similarly download the second certificate from the above chain in Certification path

Step 2 : Create a Wallet and Add certificates to Wallet

What is Wallet?

This Wallet is nothing but a container, secured with password, which stores certificates needed to setup the secured socket connection.

You can create a wallet and add certificate to Wallet using below command

mkdir -p /home/oracle/soddba/wallet

chmod -R 777 /home/oracle/soddba/wallet

orapki wallet create -wallet /home/oracle/soddba/wallet -pwd Orasod437 -auto_login

orapki wallet add -wallet /home/oracle/soddba/wallet -trusted_cert -cert “/home/oracle/soddba/wallet/google.cer” -pwd Orasod437

orapki wallet add -wallet /home/oracle/soddba/wallet -trusted_cert -cert “/home/oracle/soddba/wallet/google1.cer” -pwd Orasod437


Step 3: Create an ACL

Following is the command to create an ACL for the user. By doing this the’ XXUAC’ user will be able to access this URL

Assign the following ACL privilege to the user(In my case user is ‘XXUAC’) by logging as sysdba

conn / as sysdba



dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl (

acl         => ‘utl_http1.xml’,

description => ‘HTTP Access’,

principal   => ‘XXUAC’,

is_grant    => TRUE,

privilege   => ‘connect’,

start_date  => null,

end_date    => null


dbms_network_acl_admin.add_privilege (

acl        => ‘utl_http1.xml’,

principal  => ‘XXUAC’,

is_grant   => TRUE,

privilege  => ‘resolve’,

start_date => null,

end_date   => null


dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl (

acl        => ‘utl_http1.xml’,

host       => ‘*’,

lower_port => NULL,

upper_port => NULL





Step 4: Connect to HTTPS

Now create a procedure as below, before accessing the URL

Conn XXUAC/xxxxxxxx

Create the following procedure


lo_req  UTL_HTTP.req;

lo_resp UTL_HTTP.resp;


UTL_HTTP.SET_WALLET (‘file:/home/oracle/soddba/wallet’,’Orasod437′);

lo_req := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(‘’);

lo_resp := UTL_HTTP.get_response(lo_req);






Now make a HTTPS call from within PL/SQL,

select utl_http.request(‘’, NULL,’file:/home/oracle/soddba/wallet’, ‘Orasod437’) from dual;

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