The purpose of this blog is to assist DBAs encountering performance issues in locating the problematic query by taking a trace of the session. The steps shared here will help to identify  the exact query that causes performance issues in oracle database.

Below are the steps:


  • Login to E-business suite database and find the particular session causing the performance issue. (Note down the instance id, SID and Serial#).

 To check the sid and serial# of the session from v$session

Use the following query:

select username, sid, serial#, to_char(logon_time,’DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS’) from v$session where username=’USERNAME’ order by logon_time;


2) Connect as sysdba in the database

conn sys /as sysdba


3)Enable the trace for the session using oracle standard package:

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable(320,24175, TRUE, TRUE);

Note: The last 2 “TRUE” refers ‘Binds’ and ‘Waits’ for the session.


4) Once the session enabled with trace , replicate the issue in application to collect the trace files.


5)To find the name of the trace file use the below query

select spid from v$process where addr=(select paddr from v$session where sid=320);

You can also search for the trace file using below commands in Udump folder:

ls -ltr *spid*trc


6) Now the trace file will be available in the udump folder of the database server

To find the udump value, you can run the below commands.


sql>show parameter dump ———>This shows the udump directory.

For Oracle 12c and higher version:

sql>show parameter diag ———–> check 12c above versions


7) Ensure to disable the trace once the issue is replicated.

SQL> exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_disble(320,24175);


tkprof” is a tool for analyzing the performance of SQL statements executed in an Oracle database. It’s used to analyze and identify the most time-consuming queries and find ways to optimize them for better performance.

Below is an example:

tkprof tracefile_name.trc  output.txt sys=no sort='(prsela,exeela,fchela)’  explain=apps/$APPS_PWD


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