I will explain How to Use CONTENT ( DATA_ONLY , METADATA_ONLY ) Parameter in Oracle Datapump


CONTENT: This parameter enables you to filter what is export and import during the export – import operation.


ALL This is the default value and loads all data and metadata contained in the source.


DATA_ONLY  You can load only table row data into existing tables without any metadata with this option.


METADATA_ONLY  You can load only database object metadata ( definition ) without table row data


For example: you run the following import command, If you don’t use CONTENT parameter or use CONTENT=ALL,  then Oracle will load all data and metadata contained in the source.

the new table = New data and new Metadata impdp \”/ as sysdba\” SCHEMAS=HR DIRECTORY=DATAPUMP LOGFILE=HR.log impdp \”/ as sysdba\” SCHEMAS=HR DIRECTORY=DATAPUMP LOGFILE=HR.log CONTENT=ALL



If you use CONTENT=DATA_ONLY option, then Oracle will load only table row data into existing tables without any metadata with this option.

the new table= Old Metadata + New data impdp \”/ as sysdba\” SCHEMAS=HR DIRECTORY=DATAPUMP LOGFILE=HR.log CONTENT=DATA_ONLY 


If you use CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY , then Oracle will load only database object metadata ( definition ) without table row data.


the new table= Only New metadata impdp \”/ as sysdba\” SCHEMAS=HR DIRECTORY=DATAPUMP

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