1. Overview

This Document is used to implement Incremental search on Interactive report and Interactive grid

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this


  • Oracle APEX, JQuery

3. Use Case

This functionality is used to starts searching as you type in the text input field. Based on the value have entered n the text field, Interactive report and Interactive gird will be filtered.

4. Steps with Screenshot


  1. Create classic report or Interactive report or Interactive grid with static ID. Eg., ir_emp
  2. Create a text field
  3. Create a dynamic action as below

Event : Onload

Action : Execute JavaScript

Code : as below

Fire on initialization : No


function(evt) {

$(‘#ir_emp’).trigger(‘apexrefresh’);// To refresh interactive report

apex.region(‘ig_emp’).refresh();// TO refresh interactive grid




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