
DbFetchX is a robust application designed to streamline data extraction, transformation, and retrieval from Oracle Databases. Its installation involves integrating the application’s schema, objects, and configurations into an Oracle database environment to enable efficient data handling and processing.


Step 1: Create user DbFetchX and provide and required privileges


Step 2: Create user SQL_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS and CAPACITYFORECAST and provide required privileges


Step 3: Create the tables in  both SQL_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS and CAPACITYFORECAST users.

Grant read only access to DbFetchX user for both the tables.


Step 4: Insert values to both the tables.


Step 5: Move the files to the /home/python directory. Change the user and provide appropriate permission.


Step 6: Modify the database.json file.


Step 7: Start the DbFetchX in nohup and collect the URL.


Step 8: Ensure the DbFetchX has started properly.


Step 9: Open the URL in the browser.



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