1. Overview

This Document is used to get selected IDs from the Interactive grid based on selection.

2. Technologies and Tools Used

The following technologies have been used to achieve this

  • Oracle APEX, JavaScript

3. Use Case

This functionality is used to get selected IDs from the interactive grid and process selected IDs.

4. Steps


  1. Create an Interactive grid. Ex., based on EMP Table
  2. Create a hidden page item
  3. Create a dynamic action as below

Event : Selection Change [Interactive Grid]

Action : Execute JavaScript

Code : paste the below code

Fire on initialization : No


var i, i_empids = “:”, i_empid,

model = this.data.model;

for ( i = 0; i < this.data.selectedRecords.length; i++ ) {


i_empids += model.getValue( this.data.selectedRecords[i], “EMPNO”) + “:”;


apex.item( “P7_EMPIDS” ).setValue (i_empids);


5. Screenshot


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