This SQL query is used to fetch the data Inventory Onhand By Location
Cause of the issue:
Business wants a report that details Inventory Onhand By Location
How do we solve:
Create a report in BI publisher using the below SQL query to extract the Inventory Onhand By Location.
SQL Query:
SELECT SUBSTR (onhand.inventory_location_name, 1, 1) bldg_location,
ioi.description, onhand.inventory_item_name,
onhand.inventory_location_name, onhand.last_update_date,
onhand.onhand_quantity, onhand.organization_code,
FROM invfg_organization_items ioi, invfg_onhand_balances onhand
WHERE (( ioi.inventory_item_id = onhand.inventory_item_id
AND ioi.organization_id = onhand.organization_id
ORDER BY SUBSTR (onhand.inventory_location_name, 1, 1) ASC,
onhand.inventory_item_name ASC,
onhand.subinventory_name ASC,
onhand.inventory_location_name ASC;