Problem: In a rapidly evolving and dynamic IT environment, managing complex infrastructure configurations across various projects and environments can be daunting. A monolithic approach to Terraform scripts may lead to code duplication, maintenance challenges, and increased likelihood of errors.
Solution: Terraform Modules
Step 1: Identify Reusable Components
Step 2: Create Terraform Modules:
Example: Database Module
// database/
variable “db_name” {}
variable “db_username” {}
resource “aws_db_instance” “main” {
// configuration for creating a database instance
// using variables db_name and db_username
// database/
output “database_endpoint” {
value = aws_db_instance.main.endpoint
Step 3: Reuse Modules Across Projects
Example: Project A
module “database” {
source = “./modules/database”
db_name = “project_a_db”
db_username = “project_a_user”
1. Code Reusability