Stop/start and status oms in cloud control
emctl stop oms
emctl start oms
emctl status oms
stop/start agent in oem cloud control
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl start agent
./emctl stop agent
./emctl status agent
Get oms repository details
cd $OMS_HOME/bin
./emctl config oms -list_repos_details
Get oms/agent url details
cd $OMS_HOME/bin
./emctl status oms -details
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl status agent -details
target list monitored by OEM
./emcli get_targets
./emcli get_target_types
./emcli get_targets -targets=”database”
Plugins installed on OMS server
List of plugins installed on OMS server.
./emcli list_plugins_on_server
List of plugins installed on the target agents.
./emcli list_plugins_on_agent
List plugins deployed on particular agent
./emcli list_plugins_on_agent -agent_names=”″
change sysman pwd in oem cloud
Syntax to update sysman password in oms repository
./emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd -new_pwd < new sysman password>
Example (need only existing sys password)
./emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd oracle1234 -new_pwd oracle1234
Restart oms
./emctl stop oms
./emctl start oms