Opening Files from Server in Oracle Forms.
Script to open the Pdf or Image files from Server in Oracle Forms.
Cause of the issue:
In Oracle Forms user requested to open the Pdf or Image files from their Internal Server Path.
How do we solve:
The WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT is used to open the files from server in Oracle Forms.
WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT is a built-in that is used in Forms to call another URL from a Web Form. It works much the same way to call the server path. It takes two arguments, URL and TARGET.
Both arguments must be enclosed in single quotation marks (‘). The built-in
passes the URL (the first argument) to the browser’s URL line. Then, it
opens the page according to how the TARGET (the second argument) is set.
A target is a way of telling the browser how you would like the new page to be
opened up. A target does not need to be specified in either WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT or the HTML code. If a target is not specified, it defaults to the target “_self”.
The target “_blank” opens a new browser over the top of the form with
the URL specified in the first argument. The original browser is still
running with the form behind the new browser. Focus can be moved back and
forth between the two browsers with the mouse.
The “_top” target places the new URL in the current browser, but displays
on top of any frames that have been set up.
Finally, the “_parent” target replaces the parent window or frameset with
the URL. It displays on top of any frames that have been set up, much
like the “_top” does.
Web.Show_Document(‘file:Server_Path’,’_b lank’);
Web.Show_Document(‘file:\\\DRAWING\DESIGN\’||:CUST_DRAW||’.pdf’,’_b lank’);